Certified Fraud Investigator (CFI) Program
The purpose of the Certification Program is to recognize members of the CFCIA who demonstrate advanced job knowledge and skills in detecting, preventing, investigating and prosecuting fraud and financial crimes. It promotes ethical and legal practices in the investigative and research field and can provide the member credibility as an expert witness in both criminal and civil proceedings. The Certified Fraud Investigator Certification Program standards are set to promote professionalism within the CFCIA, the industry, and organizations that promote the prevention, investigation and prosecution of fraud and financial crimes.
The title of Certified Fraud Investigator will be awarded to members of the CFCIA who have met the minimum standards and qualifications and have passed a comprehensive written examination.
Application and Minimum Standards
- Members applying for certification must have been a member for at least 6 months with the CFCIA and is a member in good standing.
- You must have a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in the field of preventing researching, analyzing, investigating or prosecuting financial crimes and fraud or three years law enforcement experience investigating property crimes and /or financial crimes or 6 years of general investigations (e.g. patrol officers).
- You must complete an application for certification and pay the appropriate registration fee of $40.00. (Pay to the order of: CFCIA / memo: CFI) Fillable Word format | Non-fillable PDF format
Study Material / Exam and Testing
- Once the application has been received by the Certification and Training Director, a study guide (CFCIA CFI Study Guide / Rev 04/01/15) will be e-mailed to you and the Certification and Training Director will coordinate with the Division President or delegated board member to set up an exam date. Test dates will be allowed twice a year in each division and the location will be determined by the division.
- You will have one hour and thirty minutes to complete the exam and the exam will have approximately one hundred (100) questions which will consist of true or false and multiple choice questions. (Form CFCIA CFI Exam / Rev 04/01/15) Passing grade is 78%
- The exam will cover the following categories:
- Ethics
- Identity Theft
- Forgery
- NSF Check Fraud
- Credit/debit cards and their security features
- Counterfeit Money Identification
- High Tech (computer) related fraud
- Embezzlement
- Elder Abuse (financial)
- Evidence preservation/collection
- Criminal laws pertaining to the above categories
- Investigator Safety
- If you fail an exam you have up to six months to retake it without reapplying.
- You may take and re-take the CFI exam a total of three times prior to being required to pay the initial fee again in a total of eighteen (18) months.
- A certificate will then be printed with your name and mailed to the Division President or delegated board member for distribution to you.
- The Certificate will then have a renewal date of three years noted at the bottom as well as a certificate number.
Certification and Training Standards
- The Certification will be valid as long as you abide by the following minimum training standards.
- Membership is in good standing and annual membership dues are paid.
- Each certified member must complete and earn eighty (80) training points per year.
- Each Division meeting accounts for twenty (20) training points.
- One day CFCIA conference accounts for eighty (80) training points
- POST training for active law enforcement, requires any classes relating to investigations in general (laws, legal update, interview and interrogations, evidence handling), which are relevant for any criminal investigation that could have any element of a financial crime, financial exploitation and or financial gain will be awarded as ten (10) points per hour of training. A certificate will be required and will be reviewed by the Certification Committee.
- CFCIA State Board Meeting accounts for five (5) training points.
- Non- sworn members who attend industry fraud & AML training will be awarded 10 points per hour and must submit a certificate, receipt or course verification documents to the Certification Committee.
- A certification may be revoked under the following conditions:
- Certified member fails to retain active status with the CFCIA and is no longer in good standing.
- Certified member has six months to reactivate their membership before certification is revoked.
- Certified member does not meet the required eighty (80) training points per year.
- Certified member does not meet minimum standards for CFCIA membership.
- Certified member is convicted of a felony.
- Certified member fails to retain active status with the CFCIA and is no longer in good standing.
- Every three (3) years each certified member will have to be recertified and must complete an application for recertification (PDF) (Word) and pay a recertification fee of $30.00 and all rules and regulations will be the same as certification.
- The recertification exam will also have a study guide and will only cover areas where fraud trends and laws have changed. The examination with consist of less than fifty (50) questions.
The Recertification Exam will be conducted the same day as the Certificate Exam and all rules and regulations will be applied.
Those members who were certified during the Pilot Test Program and are still members in good standing are automatically certified and will not have to recertify for three years.